Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Out of Miry Clay

It was a quagmire, a miry clay. It was a mud hole created by cows. Through a five year old's eyes, it looked like any other spot where one might walk. Never mind the lack of grass and the obvious sogginess of the area. So, he did what every five year old farm boy would have. He walked. He was wearing white socks and his only tennis shoes. Five year old farm boys, and especially this one, don't spend too long considering the consequences of such actions. They see, they come, they conquer, or are conquered. 

A predicament

He was stuck, and there was no self rescue. 

This is my son and this was our expedition.
Aunt Janis was there to rescue him. He suffered the consequences of his actions all the way home, walking through dry grass with mud-caked shoes. If you've ever had that experience, you know what I mean, every stick, weed, and piece of grass becomes a part of your shoe.


The Feet

Hosing off

We all had a good laugh about the whole thing. It was a day to remember. 

How often I also end up mired in my own sinfulness! I also can not help myself. I think reading this book or following that program will rescue me, but I find the only hope for rescue is through the Lord Jesus. He has gloriously saved me, and now through the Holy Spirit performs his purifying work in my life. 
I love the following verse so much:
Psalms 40:2

He also brought me up out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, 
And set my feet upon a rock,
 And established my steps.


  1. Great story! Like the way you related it to sin. Reminds me of "the Lamb" book when the Grandfather had to rescue the little boy.

  2. Love that boy. So thankful he took the stick that was held out to him. A choice we all must make. Struggle and find myself even deeper in the muck; or be willing to admit my need and take the only way out that is graciously extended to me. I love the analogy to sin and our wonderful Saviour.
