Thursday, February 27, 2014

Memorizing Scripture with your Child- part 2

Is learning the verse’s reference that important?

It is true that the reference (where the verse lives in the Bible) is not part of the inspired Word of God.  But when I teach children a memory verse, I do emphasize having them say the reference along with the verse so that they are able to find it on their own in their own Bible.  I want them to know where the verse is so that they can share it with others with confidence (and, of course, with grace- Colossians 4:6).  I ask them, “What would you do if you were sharing the gospel with a friend and they said, ‘You’re just making that up.  I don’t believe that the Bible really says that.’?”  If they know the reference, they can turn to it in the Bible and have their friend read it for himself.  For older children, knowing the verse’s reference also helps them be more aware of the verse’s context- the passage that surrounds it and where it falls within the whole of Scripture.  

"I will delight myself in Your statutes; I will not forget Your word."
-Psalm 119:16

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