Saturday, February 15, 2014

Do the Little Things.

                                                                Ttt. This is m

This is my inspiration for this weeks outfit for Sunday. Do you have something you could today to make your Sunday go smoother for


On the left you can see my inspiration for my outfit tomorrow. It feels like I should have a big camera and be going on Safari. The olive green and blue together with a feminine skirt attracted me to this look. I like the printed tee on younger girls but did not feel that it gave me strength or dignity.

Have you picked out your clothes for tomorrow?
Is there a little thing that you could be doing today to make your Sunday morning go smoothly?
What are the children going to wear?
What's for lunch? My sister and her husband are coming tonight to stay for a week so we are having roast, green salad, rolls and oh no I don't have a plan for dessert. This is my standard dinner for Sunday unless we take another family out to eat. 

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