Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Great Expectations and Disappointment

It has taken me way longer than it should have, but I have learned something that helps me to be happy. It seems like an obvious conclusion, but it wasn't apparent to me for a long time.

Are you ready for the big reveal? Okay so it's not that big of a deal, but I have learned that when I have expectations of how things are going to go, I am often disappointed.

    I am especially susceptible to expectations of grandeur when going on road trips. I guess I've watched too many movies of families on vacation with windows down (no one ends up windblown), smiles on their faces and fun travel music being sung by all. They never have to stop along the road for a bathroom break five minutes after an official break at a fabulously clean gas station. No one squabbles over where to sit. No gets cranky after being in a car seat for hours on end. There aren't any random bits falling out when they open the doors. The truly romantic life.

   My reality isn't like that. And when I expect it to look like the movies, I am disappointed. It's not that our travel hasn't been fun. It's just that life isn't a hallmark moment. Life is real. I need to embrace the good parts and get over the not so wonderful parts.

   The truth I need to remember is that life isn't about me and my expectations. I am here not to have a wonderful, fulfilling life the way that movies and hallmark like to portray it. I don't find happiness and fulfillment looking for perfection. I find it when I give up my selfish desires and allow myself to be blessed by the little imperfect moments.

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