Saturday, May 3, 2014

A lesson in love and humility

As you all know, I struggle knowing what to wear on Sunday and had decided to post on Saturday what I was going to wear on Sunday. I would like to get back to doing that as a discipline for myself. My poll of my two readers showed that 50 per cent found my posts on what to wear helpful and the other 50 percent had no interest in my struggles and could not relate.

This Sunday I was doing well, I had my dress laid out with shoes, and necklace. Woke up on time got showered, dressed, hair done, make up on, even put make up on my bare legs since my feet were going into sandals. I was looking good and still had a hour before we had to leave. After cleaning up breakfast I read scripture in preparation for the worship service. My husband let me know that it was time to go so I hopped in the car, happy and feeling some what proud that my morning was going well. 

We arrive at chapel and I look down as I swing my feet out of the car and to my horror and astonishment what do I see? My feet are covered in my fluffy pink paint splattered crocks. Now what's a girl to do? It is to late to turn around. My sensible young friends keep a comfortable pair of flip flops in their cars to slip on after they take off their high heels but alas I am no Girl Scout and have no spare shoes. Nor do any of them wear a size 10.  Would you take off your shoes and go barefoot? Could I? This is what I am thinking. After vetoing the bare foot idea, my husband suggests I walk in wearing my trophy shoes and sit down as fast as possible and he will follow later. So being the sweet submissive wife that I am, that is what I do after greeting four or five people grinning ear to ear. Even though embarrassed I am getting quite tickled at my predicament since I always say that the worse part of dress clothes are the shoes.

During break time my older southern belle friends wonder how I hurt my feet, I tell them there is nothing wrong with my feet it is my brain that is the problem. They laugh along with me, I suspect it has happened to them before they just won't admit it.

My husband is not really embarrassed and takes me out eat with another couple and we have a lovely time together. This was a humbling experience but the dear people at chapel showed love and acceptance toward me. I think dressing for chapel just got a little less stressful.


  1. I love this story! It made my day. I once sat down in chapel only to have my friend behind me tell me that the zipper on my dress was undone. I walked backward to the bathroom only to discover that the zipper had broken. (It was the first and last time I wore that dress!) Fortunately, when I didn't come out for quite sometime, she came in to see what the problem was, armed with safety pins. We managed to get it back together enough to manage.

  2. This was a fabulous story. I love seeing what you are wearing to chapel on Sundays. :)

  3. I'm sorry, but I can't stop laughing. I LOVE THIS!!! It is SO real life. Something like this has happened to each one of us...or if it hasn't yet, it will. It is a good opportunity for humility for the one, and being gracious for the other.
    And PS- I enjoy seeing the outfits you put together. This is not a strong suit of mine and it is helpful to see what you do.
