Monday, March 17, 2014

The Continuing Tales of a Troublesome Tongue

One of the ways my tongue gets me in trouble is by complaining. I moan and groan about things that I should view as a blessing. I have to make supper, and I'm not sure what to make. Poor sad me. My laundry doesn't do itself, and everyone just has a terrible habit of changing their clothes daily. Boo-hoo. And so it goes, until I've convinced myself that I must have one of the most pitiable existences in the history of existences.

The reality is I am incredibly blessed. I am enviable to most of the world's population. I have an incredible heavenly future laid out for me. Many people of the world would be thankful just to have a meal to make, food to cook it with. And laundry isn't a problem with only one thing to wear at all times. And even if I had no meal to eat and clothing to wear, I could at least be thankful for the future eternity that I will be spending clothed in a robe of heavenly white, in a mansion prepared by the Lord.

If I wasn't so earthly minded, I think I would complain less. Paul says in Romans 8:18.

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this very good reminder. It is much needed in my own existence.
