Monday, January 26, 2015

Daily Reading Chart

It is good to spend time reading in your Bible every day.  You may already be doing this.  You can use this chart to help you read through the book of Mark.  Before you read, remember to pray and ask God to teach you something from His Word.  Then read the verses that are written in the box.  It's not a lot to read, so read the verses carefully and really think about what God is saying.  Especially look for things that tell you what the Lord Jesus is like.  Then write down one thing you learn in the box.  Writing things down helps you remember them.  After you read, pray again and thank God for what He has shown you.  Ask Him to help you obey what you learned.  You can also share with someone else what God is teaching you.  If you do this each day, you will soon have read through and thought about the entire book of Mark!  This is something you can do with every book of the Bible.  God wants you to know His Word so that you can know Him better.  He loves you so much!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks! This looks like it is simple enough not to be a burden to make or to do.
