Monday, June 16, 2014

Statement of Purpose

Older women likewise are to be reverent in their behavior, 
not malicious gossips 
nor enslaved to much wine, 
teaching what is good, 
so that they may encourage the young women 
to love their husbands, 
to love their children,  
to be sensible, 
workers at home, 
being subject to their own husbands, 
so that the word of God will not be dishonored.
Titus 2:3,4,5

We have memorized all of Titus 2:3,4,5 except the last two phrases. I wrote out the complete verse set so we could see where we have been and where we are going. 

These verses have become my statement of purpose for my life right now. This is not a statement of who I am but of who I want to be. The other night while wrestling my youngest daughter for couch space I said out loud, "Is this reverent behavior in an older woman?". We laughed even harder because what we were doing seemed so ridiculous. 

Do you have a statement of purpose? What question do you ask yourself if you find yourself wondering if you are doing what you should be doing? 

In these verses I see 13 questions that we could ask ourselves.

1) Is my behavior reverent?
2) Is this gossip?
3) Will this lead to desire in me or others to drink too much?
4) Is this good?
5) Does this discourage a young woman in what is right?
6) Does this show love for my husband?
7) Does this show love for my children?
8) Is this sensible?
9) Is this pure?
10) Does this make my home a pleasant place?
11)Is it kind?
12)Is this what my husband would want?
13)Is God's Word being dishonored?


  1. Thanks for these questions, Joyce. I was needing to reflect on several of them. It's so easy to use tiredness as an excuse for sinning. But these were good for me to go over and get God's perspective.

  2. It is easy to sin when I am tired or hungry. It is important to listen to our bodies needs. Once at camp I told the speaker that I was tired. He replied that sometimes the most spiritual thing we can do is take a nap and that I should skip his message and sleep. We need to listen to our bodies, but not indulge the flesh, a very difficult balance.
